Season Two: Vocal Expression
All lessons support Kentucky and National Core Arts Standards in Theatre, with an emphasis on the anchor standards Creating and Performing.
Season Two focuses on vocal expression.
Creating: The following lessons support students exploring ideas and building skills through improvisation.
One More Time: Explore how we create characters with voice.
Emotion Machine: Explore how we communicate feelings with voice.
Same Line; Different Meaning: Explore how we communicate feelings and ideas with voice.
Voice Echo: Explore and practice listening to various qualities of voice.
Perform: The following lessons model ways students can share what they’ve learned through vocal expression.
Pick-a-Puppet: Use your voices to bring simple puppets to life.
Setting Soundscape: Use your voices to set the scene of a story.
Inner Voice: Use your voices to share a character’s thoughts and feelings.
Radio Ad: Use your voices to dramatize a story on the radio.